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Ladybird LaneDAY NURSERYWELCOMEAt Ladybird Lane we aim to provide a welcoming, happy and safe environment for up to 25 children aged between 2-5 years. We employ 8 staff, 6 qualified and two students, plus we offer placements to students studying childcare at West Thames College. This provides an adult/child ratio of at least 1.4, which is exceptionally high, and so allows for greater attention to be given to each child. It allows key workers time off the rota to provide regular 1.1 care to the children in their key groups; to observe their key children; to update developmental files on key children; to plan, prepare and evaluate activities; to focus on the development of their own professional needs. We also have a cook who prepares fresh, wholesome meals, cooked on the premises, on a daily basis.
The best of today’s early years educator’s believe that children ‘learn
best through play’, so we provide a curriculum that is flexible, meets
the needs and interests of all the children in our care, through play.
This follows guidelines set by the Department of Education and Skills
(DfES) for the Foundation Stage, (which is specifically for children
aged between 3-5). For our younger children we provide a programme using
a recent new initiative ‘Birth to Three Matters’ (which is also endorsed
by the DfES) for guidance. Early years has received heightened government
and media attention in recent years, consequently funding for research
is at a premium. If these studies are accessed appropriately by well
trained and committed practitioners (such as ours), the young children
of today should leave their early years settings able and confident to
express themselves, be socially and emotionally balanced (appreciating
another’s point of view, sharing with and caring for their friends) and
be competent in simple, but vital, self-help skills i.e. putting on and
taking off their coats, toileting and washing and drying their hands. Every member of staff attends regular on-going training to aid their professional development. This is a requisite of their employment and is listed in their job description.
All staff recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents. We value, and actively seek, the contributions parents make towards the education of their child. We always begin with what your child already knows and welcome your input, especially prior to your child starting, to provide us with a greater understanding of your child’s interests, likes and dislikes. We provide as many settling in sessions as you can manage to try and ensure a smooth transition into the nursery, thus making the experience as pleasurable and exciting as possible for all concerned.
Children who are three receive government funding the term after their 3rd birthday. The nursery will apply for this funding for you; this procedure will be explained in full when your child reaches his/her 3rd birthday.
As the proprietor of Ladybird Lane, and a mother myself, I take the
responsibility of looking after children very seriously indeed. I strive
to provide staff of the highest calibre and believe that I usually succeed
in this aim. We work very hard to provide an environment that is fun,
stimulating, flexible, organised and calm(ish). You are very welcome
to come and view the nursery and decide for yourself!
( back to top) ( 200 yds off A4, Easy access to London & The West ) St Vincent De Paul Church Hall Tel/Fax: (020) 8 232 8839