Special Needs
Registration Form


Fees are paid in advance and are worked out per calendar month at the following rates:

Full time per calendar month
Full days per calendar month
2 days
3 days
4 days
Sessions per calendar month
Am's between 8am - 1pm
  3 sessions - £303.85
Pm's between 1pm - 6pm
  4 sessions - £405.20
  5 sessions - £506.45

Fees are due on the 1st of every month and are to be paid by standing order:

A mid-morning snack, two-course lunch and high tea will be provided every day. The full day and morning session includes lunch. The afternoon session includes tea.

To reserve a place for your child please complete the enclosed registration form giving the desired starting date and return it with either a two week deposit, which is fully refundable when you leave providing you give one months notice, or (if you are securing a place in advance), a non-refundable booking fee of £30.00; the deposit can be paid the week prior to commencement.

For children starting after the 1st of the month and leaving before the end of the month, all fees will be calculated on a daily rate.

On acceptance of an offered place, a two weeks deposit will be required. Should you no longer require a nursery place, one month’s written notice must be given. If insufficient notice is given, the deposit will not be refundable.

All fees are payable in full (including Bank Holidays) regardless of a child’s absence due to sickness or family holidays. We close over the Christmas period but this is taken into account and a reduction has been spread across the twelve monthly payments.

One month’s written notice must be given should you no longer require a place.




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